"My Dearest Brothers and Sisters of the Diocese of Cleveland,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I am writing you today my first pastoral
letter, and I thank you for taking the time to read it. It has been over four years since I was appointed
by Pope Francis to be the Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, and the time is right for me to share with
you where I think the Holy Spirit is calling us as a diocese, a local Church."....(read the complete letter here, or view the introductory video below or on the diocesan website).
On November 7, the people of Ohio will have the opportunity to demonstrate how our state views the sacredness of life and the dignity of women. Bishop Ed Malesic is asking Catholics to carefully consider how they will vote on the amendment that will expand and enshrine abortion in Ohio’s constitution. Watch his special message here.
Members of the Youth Groups of St. Charles and St. Francis of Assisi will be leaving together for World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal on Monday, July 24. Join us on Saturday, July 22, at the 8:00am Mass as we commission our WYD Pilgrims for their journey.
Congratulations, Fr. Ian Kelly and Fr. Jeffrey Liptak! View their First Masses of Thanksgiving on the Parish YouTube channel and event photos in the Picture Gallery.
The 'Welcome Back " program continues past our Centennial. It is an opportunity for us to welcome a Priest who has served in the past in some capacity at St. Charles to celebrate a weekly 7:00pm evening Mass. We hope you will join us!
Over the next several weeks, the St. Charles Parish Council will highlight many of our Parish ministries and service organizations. Please consider where you might share your interests and talents by joining one or more of these worthy groups.
St. Charles will offer the L.E.A.F. Ministry (Listening, Encouraging, Assisting, Families and Friends). L.E.A.F. is a support group for parents, spouses, family, and friends of those in jails or prisons.
A powerful musical work about the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Friday, April 21 - 7:30pm . Saturday, April 22 - 7:30pm . Sunday, April 23 - 2:00pm
Donations can be pledged from February 1st through March 30th at several alternate locations. For every 35 pints of blood collected, Vitalant will donate $500 to Saint Charles School. Please donate!
You can direct all of your 2022 Ohio State income tax payment to Catholic education at St. Charles. Please review the information on this website. A printable Contribution Form is available online or can be picked up in the Parish Office.
Save the date! Saturday evening, September 17.....more details to come. An epic reunion for anyone who has ever been in St. Charles Youth Group! Parents and siblings, please spread the word!