Eucharistic Ministers, or Extraordinary Ministers of Communion as they are properly called, assist the Priests with the Distribution of the Holy Eucharist at Weekend Liturgies, Weekday Liturgies, and with Communion Calls to Parishioners who may be homebound or in a nursing home due to illness, age or disability. Ministers must attend a Diocesan Training Workshop and a Parish Training Workshop prior to beginning Ministry. Ministers are scheduled on a two-month cycle via the Parish’s Ministry Scheduling System.
If you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister or as a Eucharistic Minister to those unable to attend Mass, please contact Maria Whidden at the Parish Office, 440-884-3030.
To request Communion, contact the Parish Office at 440-884-3030, to make arrangements for visits.
May St. Peter Julian Eymard, Patron Saint of the Blessed Sacrament, watch over St. Charles’ Eucharistic Ministers and those discerning such a ministry. St. Peter Julian Eymard, Ora Pro Nobis.